Friday, September 3, 2010

Drama Free?

I woke up early the next morning; I loved sleeping next to Nathan, I knew it would be harder and harder to sleep without him next to me, spooning me or rubbing my back until I fell asleep.

I woke up at 6:30 with Nathan kissing me goodbye, he was off to his first training of the season. I pulled him back and kissed him again wishing him luck.

I got up and made some breakfast, and decided to in early. I had lots of work to catch up on after I missed yesterday. Also the promotion date had been pushed back slightly, Yasmine had decided to work right up until her baby is born, although training for it is supposed to start soon I was happy to have a little less responsibility for a while.

The early morning meeting was going well, until I heard something that made me want to throw up. The offending comment came from Hally:

“You know who is really popular right now? Katie Santsee. Maybe we could do an interview with her, you know she has that TV gossip show in the works. I’m sure she’d be interested.” She said looking at me, by now almost everybody knew about my relationship with Nate, she knew that I would be responsible for organising the interview and convincing Katie to do it. Great.

“Paris do you think you could try to organise that?” Minnie asked, clearly she didn’t know about me and Nate, she tried to stay out of office politics.

“I certainly can.” I said smiling a big fake smile.

“Ok thank you, moving on. Now who have we decided for the cover?” Minnie asked.

An hour later I was on hold to Katie’s management team, I had already spoken to two people and I was waiting, again. Radiance was a pretty popular magazine, so I knew she would do it, it was just a matter of her thinking she was the only one we wanted and that we had to have her.

“When were you thinking of doing the interview?” Katie’s agent David asked.

“Well as soon as possible, as soon as it was suitable for Katie.”I replied.

I booked an interview for the following week, with a couple of demands from Katie, we were set. Minnie also told me that Hally could be her assistant for the day, which I was so thankful for. She probably didn’t know who I was, and to be honest I wanted to keep it that way. Zoe and I decided to go for quick lunch; I could swing it because I started early.

“So how are you and Mark going?”I asked.

“We are going ok, his so busy with work...I don’t know Paris, too be honest I don’t think it’s going anywhere.”

“Really? I thought you liked him a lot?”I asked surprised.

“I’s not going anywhere. I...don’t know...” She said, her eyes filling with tears. “Please can we just not talk about it right now?”

“Sure but if you want to talk, you know I’m here for you...”I said sincerely, with her nod I kept talking, “Would you like to hear something funny?” Zoe missed the meeting this morning; I needed to fill her in. I was also desperate to make the tears that filled her eyes go away.

“I would love too.” She said smiling.

“Guess who we are interviewing for the magazines new issue? Katie Santsee...” I said.

“NO...NATHANS EX?”She asked practically screaming.
“The very same...” I said laughing.

“Oh that’s too good. Seriously, you just met his crazy ass mum and things start to settle down again, and then the mag is interviewing his ex...God you guys can’t catch a break.” She said.

I suddenly realised she was right, we hadn’t been drama free night for a while, besides the wedding. I was determined to have a drama free night alone with Nathan tonight, after I told him about the interview. Nate called me about 5 minutes later, when Zoe and I were walking back to the office.

“Hey Nate.” I said smiling.

“Hello’s work?” He asked.

“Fine, fine how was practise baby?”

“It was so hard. Haven’t had a workout like that for a while. But it’s good to be back.”He said.

“Really, I’m sure I could work you out, if that’s what you’re into. And I’m glad you’re happy.” I said.

“Hmmm talking dirty already? It’s not even 3 o’clock yet my dear.” He joked.

“You’re a funny boy. Oh do you want to know something? Guess who the magazine is interviewing? Your lovely ex-girlfriend...”I said.

“Oh God, really?” He asked annoyed.

“Yep, Zoe seems to think we can’t catch a I was thinking maybe I will make you dinner tonight to have a drama free night. As long as you don’t have plans.” I said.

“I don’t have plans, and I would love for you to make me dinner. You should come straight here after work.”

“Okily Dokily. I’ll see you then.”

Zoe and I went back to the office, we had lots, and lots to do for Katie’s interview, we had to sought out what she was going to wear with the fashion people and Zoe had to decide what make up we were going to do.


  1. Haley is such a jealous cow...and holy poo i got really confused when i got on, was not expecting the layout. it's a nice change :)

  2. Wow, a jealous cow?? those are some fightin words, Alicia! haha. I agree, though, she's just looking for any reason to mess with Paris. Personally, I'm still waiting for Audrey to do a big expose full of dirt about Paris and Nathan. Hope it doesn't happen, but wouldn't be surprised at all! mum

  3. Hehehe, you girls make me LOL! :D Sorry for the confusion Alicia, needed to change it up! :D
    Jealous cow indeed Alicia! :D Something interesting will happen with Audrey in the next couple of weeks! :D :D :D
