Friday, August 13, 2010


Sorry for the really short post! I wrote this post in a hurry, because I just found out my brother’s son was born today! Wooohoo! I’m an aunt for the third time. Oh and I will have an extra post this week, either Saturday or Sunday so watch out.

Grace and Simon decided to come up to Sydney for the night. Grace was getting really big, and she was getting very sick of being pregnant. I think Simon is getting sick of it to; she was pretty moody with him,but he just takes it, his really excited to be a dad. I really couldn't’t decide if I should invite Nathan for dinner of not, but Grace REALLY wanted to meet him, so I decided just to ask him.

“Hey babe, how are you?”I asked.

“I am so freakin’ bored!” He groaned. “Tell me your home soon to distract me for a while.”

“I will be, but there is something I wanted to ask you...But just tell me if you don’t want to, ok. Seriously no press-” I was rambling.

“Paris, what is it?” He asked gently.

“Did you want to maybe come to dinner with my sister and her husband she’s in town for the weekend?” I asked.

“You were nervous to ask me that? Of course I will come to dinner.”

“Like you weren’t nervous to ask me to the wedding.” I scoffed.

“Fair enough, I was nervous. Happy?” He laughed.

“I am, thank you, ok I have got to get back to work, but did you want to meet at my apartment at like 7?

“7 is good. I’ll cya then?

“See ya then.”

I got home just after 6 and told Grace that Nathan was coming; she scolded me for not telling her earlier. She started running around the house getting ready, leaving a mess in her path. Simon started getting nervous, because he is meeting ‘somebody famous’. I really hope this goes well; I have to go get ready, because I think I just heard a knock at the door.

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