Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ring, Ring

I got home at 6.30pm; Audrey was visiting her family this weekend so I had the house to myself. I love Audrey don’t get me wrong, it’s just that she tends to be a bit needy, so I was happy to have the apartment to myself.

I walked in flicking off my shoes and noticed the answering machine was flashing 2 new messages.

“Hey sweetie, its mum I haven’t heard from you in a while, give me a ring when you get this please, Love you darling.”

“Umm hey Paris, its Nathan I was just wondering if you got the flowers, I want to talk to you. Please call me back, my number is 040545....” Message deleted.

I didn’t understand why he was calling me, God if Audrey was here she would already be calling Dish the Dirt. That wasn’t the only message he had left me, my work phone had a message from him to. I wonder what this was about; I hope he didn’t think I was the one who had spilled the story to DTD.

“Hey mum it’s me”

“Hey sweetie, how are you? How’s work?”

“It’s all really good mum, I love it up here, but I miss everyone down there. I’m going to dinner with a friend from work tonight so that should be good.”

The conversation went like that, her worrying about me and me assuring her I was fine. Did I need money? Was I eating? Was the door locked? I guess that’s how most single parents are worrying about their kids, little did she know I was born for big city life, I was made for Sydney.

I guess mum wasn’t technically single anymore; she had met a great guy who my sister and I loved. His name was Ray, and he was a really cool guy. They met when I was 18, at the end of my rebellious period. Even then I knew Ray was right for my mum. After my Dad died when I was just 8, it took my mum a really long time to get back into the dating world, and to be honest it took me a long time to trust that everybody wasn’t just going to leave.

At 8 you really don’t understand death, no-one should ever have to understand death, but people do. We all survived, and are a closer family because of it.
My sister stayed in our town, and my mum had lots of friends and family. But sometimes I still felt guilty for leaving her. My sister was content to stay in town, meet a nice boy and settle down by the age of 23. I definitely didn’t want that life; I thought I had a greater purpose. I am sure some people laugh, because really am I changing the world working at Radiance? Well I didn’t really know how to explain it to everyone that it just felt right.

Anyway I have got to get ready for dinner...


  1. :D can't wait for the next post!!!!! Let's see what happens with Nathan!! Btw i didn't like what Audrey did!! Best friend's aren't supposed to do stuff like that to each other!!!! :@

  2. I'm glad your enjoying it! I didnt like what Audery did either! :(
